When the sun is shining, there is little dispute that being outdoors in a beautiful garden makes us feel happy. But it seems that it is not just from being outdoors amongst the daisies that can boost our well-being. The feel-good factor can bottled in the form of flower essences to help our spirits bloom whenever we need.
Whilst plants as food or medicine is a widely accepted notion, the world of flower essences does not rely on the consumption of the plant, but instead works on an invisible level that many of us have not really contemplated. As modern physics and the relativity theory reliably inform us: everything in the world is connected at a vibrational level and a few drops of flower essences under the tongue can be a powerful yet gentle healing tool to assist in righting our deep emotional imbalances.
Some of my favourite essences are not widely available commercially so on sunny days, I often make a few batches of my own, and you can too.
- Intro to Essences
- Who Was Dr Edward Bach?
- My Favourites
- How To Make Flower Essence
- Tips
- Buy Essences

Intro to Essences
I first discovered flower essences when I was seventeen years old and feeling the effects of exam nerves, it was Edward Bach’s remedies and indeed Bach Rescue Remedy that kept me going. Though the subtle yet effective healing properties of these remedies aided my emotional wellbeing, it wasn’t until many years later that I came to understand that these essences are actually liquid solutions of the energetic imprint of flowers.
Flower essences are a form of vibrational medicine and can be described as being the vibrational communication transmitted to water by solarisation, with the vibrational resonance of the bloom captured and retained by the water.
Who Was Dr Edward Bach?
The world of flower essences was made popular by Dr Edward Bach (1886-1936), a British medical doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath who believed that the cause of disease was emotional—a conflict between the soul and the mind that needed spiritual and mental succour in order to successfully become resolved.
It was after his own near-death experience that he turned to more natural medicines and many of his concepts in this field were ahead of his time. In his work ‘Heal Thyself’, first published in 1931, Bach wrote that “Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between the Soul and Mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental efforts”.
Dr Bach spent much time theorising about unity and interconnection, and outlined some of the human imperfections that he believed to be adverse to unity such as jealousy, pride, cruelty, hate, vanity, ignorance and greed; stating that illness can set in if a person continues in these imperfections after becoming aware that they are wrong.
In order to aid emotional imbalances he created thirty eight Bach Flower Remedies in the 1920s designed to remedy any emotional upset. Today Bach Flower remedies are still going strong with people turning to them to aid them through emotional issues, from fear of failure, sleep problems, ADHD , guilt and many more.

My Favourites
I have several favourite essences and the ones I love to make are:
Pansy – this is the remedy to help you face the world, clearing away negative thoughts and promoting courage.
Primrose – aids a release from the past, this is the remedy for letting go.
Dandelion – a must for those who over think and over plan as it allows you to let go of rigid patterns and strain. This essence also aids those with compulsive behaviour.
Chrysanthemum is recommended for people coping with fears about their longevity. It’s especially useful for people in the midst of a mid-life crisis or those pining for their lost youth.
Apple Blossom – this is my equivalent of a rescue remedy as this essence purifies emotions and restores a sense of inner health, it’s also great at balancing and emotionally grounding.
Rose – Nourish and nurture – Rose is restorative and nurturing, and is ideal for trying times.
Why not try it yourself? They also make for a thoughtful and somewhat unusual gift for others too.
Here’s to your future flower power.
How To Make Flower Essence
There are now many different brands of flower essences available in health food shops and stores, however, it is also easy to make your own and an enjoyable task.
Materials Needed
A small glass bowl, which should be reserved for flower essence making
A glass measuring jug
Fresh spring, water collected in a glass container if possible. It is great if you can get fresh, live water that is local to you, but if all else fails, buy still spring water in a bottle.
A funnel
A tea strainer
A 500ml dark glass bottle
Coloured glass dropper bottles (20ml)
Coloured glass dropper bottle (50 ml)
Glass droppers to accompany bottles
Decide what flower essence you would like to make and carefully pick five or six blooms to place in the bowl of water (depending on the size of the flower bloom- with large heads
such as roses sometimes only one or two is required whereas small blooms such as primroses require five or six heads).
Flower essences are made on sunny days, as the sun’s rays help to transmit vibration to the water.
Fill the glass bowl with spring water and place it in the sun, preferably among the blossoms of the essence you are creating.
Carefully place the blooms on the surface of the water. They should be floating not immersed.
Leave to infuse in the sun for at least four hours.
Strain 250 ml of the flower essence through a tea strainer into a jug and mix with 50 percent brandy and then fill the 500ml (sterilised) dark glass bottle. This is the “mother essence” or “mother tincture,’’ and it is from this bottle that the drops will be taken to make the “stock bottle.”
Next, take seven drops from the mother tincture and put them into a bottle (50 ml. dropper bottle). Fill the bottle with brandy. This is the stock bottle and it is from here that the dosage bottle is made
To make the essence dosage bottle, put seven drops from the stock bottle into a small 20 ml dropper bottle and fill with alcohol. Label the bottle with the name of the essence and the date. The essence is now ready for you to take.
Store your dosage bottles in a cool, dark place away from electrical and other energy sources, and it will keep indefinitely.
Take a couple of drops in water, or directly under the tongue, when you think about it, preferably as far away from drinks and meals as possible.
The effects of flower essences have been likened to the uplifting effect of a beautiful sunset or piece of music so when the sun shines make sure you get in garden and start making some flower essences and hopefully by the end of the summer you’ll have a remedy for every conceivable psychoemotional state.
Use glass bottles and droppers as plastic droppers tend to react with the brandy and create an unpleasant taste, so glass is highly preferred. The brandy serves two purposes: (1) as a preservative; and (2) it is considered to be an “anchor” to hold the subtle essence vibrations in the water
Buy Essences
While making essences is relatively simple if you have the time and space, here are a few places to purchase them too.
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