Nick Daniels is a charismatic and gregarious bloke who found his knack for writing during his travels around the world. Born and raised in the heart of the midlands South Africa, Nick found himself travelling between the three major cities all his life which gave him his sense of freedom and independence. After completing a Bachelor of commerce degree under the exceptional cloth of Table Mountain in Cape Town, Nick ventured off on his first major travel experience to become an English teacher in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This experience was a complete eye opener into life in South East Asia and where one might say, he was bitten by the infamous “travel bug”.
After two years in Vietnam, he Studied a postgraduate degree in Education through the University of Sunderland where he went on to teach English Language Arts, Social Studies and Math at two of the top tier schools in the calm chaotic city of Saigon. After being to places such as the bustling streets of Thailand, devouring the delicious cuisines in Malaysia, finding enlightenment in the skyscrapers in Singapore and swimming in beautiful coral reefs of the Philippines, Nick decided that it was time to return to the UK enter into the exquisite world of a travel writer. Nick now finds himself in London (for now) as he looks to take on the challenge of creating his own journey as the Chief Experience Officer of BeSeeingYou.